Become a Member
Being an HCC member gives you access to a group of paddlers with extensive knowledge of local waterways including lakes, scenic paddles, and whitewater. The collective experience in the club is amazing: from Lakes to Class V, we can show you everything Alabama and the Southeast in general has to offer for paddling.
If you are a beginner, we can get you started quickly and safely and help you choose appropriate equipment--this alone can save new paddlers hundreds of dollars and help you avoid the frustration of gear that doesn’t suit your needs or paddling style. If you already own equipment and aren’t sure where to paddle or are looking to make the jump from the flat water into whitewater, we have posted trips almost every weekend that you can join that suit a variety of skill levels.
The club organizes several large trips throughout the year. These occur generally on a monthly basis, and include a Cajun Boil weekend, Spring Fling at the Nantahala, the Cahaba Lily paddle, a Hiwassee for Beginners trip in the summer, Ocoee weekends throughout the summer, Wednesday evening paddles, Nantahala in September, Gauley in October, Fall Colors, Chili Cookoff, and a Christmas party. These are just the highlights. There are more spontaneous whitewater trips than you can count, plus plenty of flat water trips including the Wednesday evening paddle trips on Wheeler that went from April to October last year!
Covid put a damper on some of our trips in 2020, but we plan to get back to camping and paddling safely this year.
Once you join you will gain access to our Members Only Facebook Group where you'll have access to all members, discussions, activities, and events. You will see all our trips and events on our Event Calendar and get Invites and Reminders for each.
Those are just a few reasons to consider joining us this coming year. The cost is small and the benefits are significant.
Interested in becoming a member? First, please fill out our Membership Form.
We offer two annual membership options: Individual/Family and College Student ($25 and $10, respectively). Please select your membership option below to pay your membership fee.
Once you have completed the steps above, please request to join our Members Only Facebook Group.